“The Storm Propels Her Irresistably Into The Future” (2024) Oil, acrylic, and sand on panel, 48’’x36’’

“Forest Fire” (2023) Oil, acrylic, plaster and ash on canvas with burnt artist’s frame, 36’’x48’’

“Air Quality Alert” (2023) Oil and gouache on raw canvas, 40’’x30’’

“Truck Smog Angels” (2023) Acrylic and gouache on canvas, 48’’x36’’

“Dafodills” (2023) Gouache, acrylic, paper collage, and dry grass on canvas, 

“Cul-de-sac” (2022) Oil, acrylic and sand on canvas, 36’’x24’’

Thank You Artie T” (2022) Gouache and colored pencils on primed butcher paper, 48’’x36’’

“My Girlfriend’s Legs” (2022) Colored pencils on gift tissue, 20’’x20’’

“Angels” (2022) Graphite on paper, 10’’x7’’